Our Pricing


Start generating quality leads today by leveraging the power of your very own Professional Cold Caller to make up to 16,000 cold calls per month to help you close more deals and take your business to the next level.



$7,404 – 6 months



$13,104 – 6 months



$21,894 – 6 months



$37,470 – 6 months

Professional Cold Caller

Client Success Manager

Quality Control Manager

Dialer with rotating numbers

CRM Setup

20+ Wholesale Training & Files

Lead Call Recordings

Slack Channel Community

Pull your first list

Weekly office hours

Wholesaling Microtribe

Acquisitions LEAD

Acquisitions Manager

Data Manager

Weekly list health updates

List pull and skiptracing [9K records]

Data Management and Scrubbing

Two Professional Cold Callers

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